Liao, Y. C. (2018). Re-examining Higher Education Internationalization in Taiwan: University Strategies for Implementing Overseas Programmes. Higher Education Studies, 8(4), 2018, 116-128.(peer-reviewed)
廖于晴(2017)。台湾における付加的プログラムの展開と役割(台灣附加教育的發展與功能)。南部広孝、中島悠介,付加的プログラムの展開からみたアジアの大学教育(Undergraduate Education in Asia: The Cases for the Development of Additional Programs)(高等教育研究叢書134)(33-47)。廣島:広島大学高等教育研究開発センター。
廖于晴、南部広孝(2019)。台湾における学位制度(台灣的學位制度)。南部広孝,後発国における学位制度の研究(Research on Academic Degree System in Late-comer Countries)(高等教育研究叢書148)(33-44)。廣島:広島大学高等教育研究開発センター。
Liao,Y. C. (2011, November). The internationalization of higher education institutions in Taiwan: A cluster analysis approach based on the indicators concerning internationalization in 2010. Paper presented at Academic Exchange Programs 2011 between Kyoto University and Beijing Normal University(71-78), Kyoto.
Liao,Y. C(2013,March).The Evolution of Graduate Education in Taiwan.Paper presented at International Forum Supported by Grants for Excellent Graduate Schools-Practical Knowledge and Educational Studies for the future(66-67), Kyoto.
Liao,Y. C(2014,December). Changing Trends in University Education in Taiwan: Controversy Surrounding the Degree Conferral Rights of Open Universities. Paper presented at Academic Exchange Programs 2014 between Kyoto University and Beijing Normal University(118-125), Kyoto.
Liao, Y. C. (2015, November). Analyzing the Factors Influencing the Enrollment of Overseas Students in Taiwan’s Higher Education Institutions. Paper presented at Academic Exchange Programs 2015 between Kyoto University and Beijing Normal University(19-27), Beijing.
前田裕介、廖于晴、大倉孝昭(2022年,6月)。AIを活用したレポート評価支援ツールの開発と運用の効果について(The Development and Effectiveness of an AI-base Tool to support the Assessment of Report Assignments)。發表於大學教育學會第四十四回大會,岡山。
Liao,Y. C. (2012). The internationalization of higher education institutions in Taiwan: A cluster analysis approach based on the indicators concerning internationalization in 2010,Academic Exchange Programs 2011 between Kyoto University and Beijing Normal University, Kyoto:Japan. Center of Collaboration in Innovation and Education Practice, Kyoto University, pp.71-78.
Liao,Y. C(2013).The Evolution of Graduate Education in Taiwan,International Forum Supported by Grants for Excellent Graduate Schools-Practical Knowledge and Educational Studies for the future,Kyoto:Japan. Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education, Kyoto University, pp.66-67.
Liao,Y. C(2015). Changing Trends in UniversityEducation in Taiwan: Controversy Surrounding the Degree Conferral Rights of Open Unviersities,Academic Exchange Programs 2014 between Kyoto University and Beijing Normal University, Kyoto:Japan. Center of Collaboration in Innovation and Education Practice, Kyoto University,pp.118-125.
Liao, Y. C. (2016). Analyzing the Factors Influencing the Enrollment of Overseas Students in Taiwan’s Higher Education Institutions, Academic Exchange Programs 2015 between Kyoto University and Beijing Normal University, Beijing: Kyoto:Japan. Center of Collaboration in Innovation and Education Practice,pp. 19-27.